Excursions and Incursions:
Each year the class teachers plan for excursions (trips away from school) and incursions (visitors to schools) that are relevant to the particular topic or unit of work being presented in their classrooms. A letter is sent home providing you with all the relevant details concerning the excursion/incursion. If you are happy for your child to attend the excursion/incursion then you are required to fill out the permission form and return it to the school before the day of the excursion. All excursion and incursion costs are covered by the school levy.
School Camps:
Camps are held in some year levels, at varying venues. Parents are informed as early as possible of the proposed venues and costs involved for school camps. The goal of the school camp program is to provide the students with a variety of activities and experiences. Students in Years 5 and 6 undertake a trip on a larger scale at some stage in this two-year period of their schooling. Traditionally this trip has been to Sydney and Canberra. The other camp focuses on team building and leadership.