
​​​​​​​Each year the staffing of St Sebastian’s is determined by the school’s enrolment.  The allocation of full-time teachers and support staff  is allocated by Brisbane Catholic Education, in accordance to a prescribed staffing schedule.

To contact teachers, please email, attention: the particular teacher e.g. Peter Jones

​Principal​​​​                                                                           ​Angela Moore​


Patrick Casey

Primary Learning Leader

​Kathleen Jenkins

​Classroom Teaching Staff ​

​Early Years - Prep Acacia
Emma Ponti
​Early Years - 1 Blue Gum
Nicole Dixon
​​Early Years - ​2 Boronia
Ryliegh Lammert
Middle Years - 3-Callistemon
Colleen Stringer
Middle Years - 4 Hakea
​Patrick Casey & Kathleen Jenkins
Upper Years - 5/6
Lesley Mann

​Specialist Support Staff ​
​Support Teacher - Inclusive Education (STIE)​Elizabeth Poulton
​Guidance Counsellor​

​Michaela Nothard
​Teacher Librarian​Helen Gardiner

Physical Education
Clare McSweeney
​Music​Liesl Murray

​School Officers & Ancillary Staff
Classroom Teacher Aides ​



​Lani Norup
Seva Georgas​
Sylvia Papantoniou​
Loretta Maudsley

Karen Camus Rivera

​​Admin Secretary

​Sonya Andrews

​Finance Secretary
Michelle Buckley

​Grounds person​
Rod Chapman
​Tuckshop Convenor​Kathryn Kenneally
​Uniform Convenor

Michelle Buckley​